Idea No.


Fashion Designer Party - Magazine Style Research



October 2006


Milly in Northern England


Runway Fashion Designer Party

FaShIoN DeSiGnEr TeEn PaRtY: This is a great party to have, I haven't done it yet but it sounds fun.

InViTiNg PeOpLe: Invite between 5 and 15 people, girls, of course, unless you have any boy mates who are into fashion! You could print out a pic from a fashion show with the writing typed over it in a different colour for invitations.

PlAcE: your house should be fine, but if it's on the small side you could rent out the town hall or something.

AcTiViTiEs: make sure you have loads of paper, pencils, fashion mags, pics, a variety of fabric scraps, things like buttons and glitter, and needles and thread . Everyone sketches their fashion designs on a piece of paper, and adds detail and colour.

Get inspiration and ideas from the magazines and pictures. Then they all get a t-shirt and jeans, and customise it like the outfits they designed! Then you could have a fashion show, and everyone has their picture taken in their outfit.

Next, you could play games like a fashion scavenger hunt, with a list of items to find to make an outfit. You could also cut out celeb outfits and they guess who wore it. Another fun game is when you get some newspaper and tape and you have to make a whole outfit out of it!

FoOd: You could have a t-shirt shaped cake (!), and then just chips, dips and pizza etc.

DeCoRaTiOn: Stick up pics of models on the catwalk, pin up teeshitrs and jeans and fashion logos too (e.g DKNY and D&G). It looks fantastic!

FaVoUrS: Use an A4 piece of card. Fold it in two. On the front put a pic of thatt girl's drawn design. Then, on the next page put "Thanks for coming to the party!" on the left and a pic of them in their finished outfit on the right. On the back, put a pic of everyone from the party in their outfits. This is great because then no-one will forget what a great party it was!


Teen Party Ideas



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